Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Great Charleston Bucket List

I am happy to report that I am typing this post from my princess lounge in my backyard.  I have survived my first day back at work since my 2 week vacation!!  (It was tough, laptop deployment +  vacation depression= a LONG day.) 

One thing I have recently realized is I am DEFINITELY going to miss Charleston.  The folks here are super friendly, the weather is gorgeous, and the food is divine!  So to properly prepare myself for a 3-year stint in the Far East, I am going to complete the following Charleston Bucket List.

My Charleston Bucket List

1)   Wine Walk at Middleton Place with my Colleagues.
What can be better than wine, cheese, and Mother Nature?  I can’t tell you the number of times I have chatted about this with my teacher people.  I think a communal trip to Middleton is DEFINITELY needed.

2)   Attend First Flush Festival at the Charleston Tea Plantation
While I am so excited to try new teas in China, I can’t wait to head to Wadamalaw Island to enjoy the official drink of South Carolina.  Attendees also get to hear live, local music.  If the day is nice, count me in!

3)   Charleston Riverdogs Baseball
I need a professional baseball fix before I take off.  How can one NOT love a team that features “Tonya Harding Bat Night”, and “Lock the Fans Out of the Park” night?  Hopefully, we can bring the pooches for Dog Day!

4)   Eat dinner at Cypress.
Cypress is my favorite restaurant in downtown Charleston.  I once told a waiter that if I was ever on death row and I had to select my last meal, their Almond Fried Goat Brie would be on the menu. The waiter looked at me like I had ten heads.  The salad is really that good.

5) Take a carriage ride in downtown Charleston.
As cheesy as it sounds, carriage rides are one way my fam says, “Aloha” to our surroundings.  Chris arranged to have a carriage take us around downtown St. Louis the night we were married so I could say goodbye to my hometown.  The experience was magical.  I am thinking I need a ride around Charleston to bid it a proper farewell.

Parting is such sweet sorrow!