Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Sounds of Shanghai: One Day in My Life

As I was trolling through my Facebook newsfeed yesterday, I found a very interesting post by NPR.  Apparently they would like for expats to share the sounds of their days.  After reading the article, I became inspired and decided to share with you some of the sounds of my life in Shanghai.

I must protect my humans!

I will help you!

It is quite common to find construction work happening in our 'hood.

This is my student that you hear in the next recording.

I love my fifth graders!

I tried to get a picture of eye exercise time on the sly...mission failed!

Mmmmm...Ayi food!

This is Thanksgiving celebration #3 for us.  Thank you Brittany Moore for a great night and letting me steal the picture!

This is Thanksgiving number 4!  I think we celebrate Thanksgiving more in China than we ever did in the States!

I am loving the sounds of the expat life!