Thursday, June 27, 2013

Happy Shanghaiversary!

One year ago today, Chris and I made Shanghai our Eastern home.  What a fast, exciting year it has been! It seems like yesterday I was freaking out over not having Internet access at home

Here are a few of the highlights of the past year!

Chris and I got settled in Shanghai.  While he was getting used to his new job, I earned my TEFOL certificate and took plenty of field trips around my new city!

I made my first Chinese road trip to Hangzhou.  I also prepared for my first year of teaching in China!  Chris and I also celebrated our 11-year wedding anniversary!

I started teaching in Chinese schools.  We also celebrated the Mid Autumn festival by eating moon cakes!

We took the bullet train to Suzhou to celebrate National Day.  I also taught the kiddos all about Halloween!

We made our first trip to the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, and the Summer Palace.  At school the fourth graders held their trash bag fashion show, and learned about Thanksgiving.  We also celebrated Thanksgiving with new friends.

We celebrated Christmas for the entire month by frequenting different holiday markets!  My 6th grade students rocked their version of "Little Red Rididng Hood, and Santa Claus visited my students.

We had a great time ringing in the New Year with friends.  I also enjoyed being a Tai Tai during the first half of my winter break.


The kiddos learned all about St. Patrick’s day and EasterWe also had a hairy time at De Refter

We headed to Sanya for Qingming, and enjoyed our first F1 race.  At the end of the month, we spent a couple of days in Xi’An

In May, we embraced our inner artists, ate our weight in bbq, rocked out to the Backstreet Boys, looked for a new place to live, and celebrated my birthday.

This month we celebrated Dragonboat Festival; I finished my first year of teaching abroad, and welcomed a friend home from Malaysia.

I can easily say that this year has been one of the most exciting I have experienced.  I can’t wait to see what next year has in store.  One thing I can say is we will be having more fun in our current apartment.  We don’t have to move!!!!!  Stay tuned for more adventures!