Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Beijing Part Six: The Frosty Summer Palace

After being soggy for about 12 hours, Chris and I were ready to start day two of our Beijing trip with a sunny, cold visit to the Emperor’s Summer Palace. 

Despite the freezing temperatures, Chris and I had a great time warming up with hot chocolate and checking out this place where royals rested and entertained.

Yes, I know I look like I am about to knock off a store, but I was COLD!!! :)
After we entered the palace we saw this lion statue, similar to the one at the Forbidden City.
To start our tour, we hiked over 17 Arc Bridge to South Lake island.  The emperor would go to South Lake island to pray to the gods for rain.  I was secretly praying the wind would stop blustering.

Much of the architecture looked very similar to the Forbidden City.  I was still amazed at the amount of detail they placed on their homes.

After we walked to South Lake Island, we took a stroll under the Long Corridor.  Each beam on the corridor had a different landscape painted on it.  I felt like I was walking though an art museum, not a lake house. 

After walking thorough the corridor, we visited the Tower of Buddhist Incense.  As soon as I saw the outside, I knew that I was going to get an amazing cardio workout.

I had made it this far during the trip.  I guess a could handle a few stairs.

And a few more....
The stairs were multiplying!!!!!

We are almost there!!!!
This was out view once we made it to the top.  I am embarrassed to say I did not get a better shot, because I was so taken with the view behind me.

Behind me was a temple with this gilded statue of Kwan-Yin Buddha.  The whole experience was breathtaking.

We had a wonderful time in Beijing, however if I were to visit again, I would go in the summer.  After we visited the palace, it was time to go home and thaw out for Turkey day!