Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Beijing Part Five: Beijing Kaoya Hen Hao Chi

After our long day of exploring Beijing, Chris and I were famished. It was time to forage for Beijing Duck.

The first time I ever considered trying Beijing Duck was when our Chinese Teacher, Jie, taught us the phrase,
“Beijing Kaoya Hen Hao Chi”  (Pronounced Beijing Cow Ya Hen How Chur”)  As she said this sentence, she rolled her eyes back in her head, and she rubbed her stomach.  I knew from that moment eating Beijing duck was on the bucket list.

After we had cleaned up from our day’s adventures, we headed down to the concierge and asked,

“Where is a good place to eat duck?”

“Go to Quanjude Duck Restaurant.  They have good duck.”

So, we headed down two blocks to a place I like to call duck heaven.  The restaurant served four levels of hungry folks who wanted to eat duck.

If they didn't have good duck, at least they had a fun statue. 
Chris and I were seated in a crowded, loud cafeteria like room.  Lesson # I stopped counting:  If you are going out for duck and want ambience, make a reservation. 

We ordered the duck and hoped for the best. 

About ten minutes later, Chris and I embarked on what is known as a culinary religious experience.  A man in a chef hat wheeled out the most beautiful roast duck. 

The chef prepares to carve a work of art.

While the chef slowly cut off the excess duck skin (the tastiest part), a waitress set a plate of thin tortilla-like pancakes, a brown sauce, and scallions on our table.  She then handed me a commemorative post card identifying the duck (complete with bar code). 

It has been mentioned that China has some food safety issues.  This Duck was certified AWESOME!
I sampled the skin… it was crispy, but melted in my mouth.  It was better than anything Col. Sanders could EVER produce. 

When the chef finished carving the duck, the real feast commenced.  There is a special way to eat Beijing duck.  We dipped the duck in the sauce and placed it in the pancake/wrap.  Then, we added the scallions.  Finally, we wrapped it up and dug in!  

Bring on the duck!!!

As we took our first bites, we entered a culinary nirvana similar to that experienced at Thanksgiving dinner.  All I can say is Beijing Kaoya hen hao chi!

AMAZING!  I LOVE Beijing duck!