Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mac Lovin

A little bird told me that tomorrow is going to be a BIG day for the Shanghainese Apple lovers.  If rumors are true, consumers will be able to purchase the new iPad in Shanghai.  Click here to see why it has taken Apple so long to officially release the tablet in Mainland China.

To check out the excitement, Chris and I took a field trip to the Apple store in Pudong, Shanghai last weekend.

This is the Pudong Apple store with the Oriental Pearl TV Tower in the background.

I was surprised to find that no one had been camping out for the new iPad.
I like to refer to the Apple store as one of my happy places.  The Pudong location was no exception to the rule.  As we descended the glass stairs into the store, we were cheerily greeted by an English speaking salesperson who was more than happy to help us locate a Chinese charger for my devices.

Online learning is universal! 

I am very happy that I decided to purchase my iPhone, iPad and Macbook in the states; the prices in China are significantly higher.  Some products, like Apple TV, are not even sold in China.

Chris checks out some overpriced speakers.  They were pretty, though.

Chris is supposed to get an iPhone next week.  I wonder if he will get this cover...

The Pudong store is the proud owner of the largest Genius bar in the world.  The place was huge!
In my opinion, the Apple store is a great place to be.  I just hope that tomorrow does not bring a repeat of the iPhone 4S launch!