Monday, July 16, 2012

It's Not Easy Being Cheesy

One of my biggest gripes about China is the lack of Cheese in the grocery store.  So when Chris and I saw that there was going to be an annual “Grilled Cheese Shanghai” competition at the Sinan Mansions, we knew we had to check it out. Gourmet grilled cheese and beer sounded like paradise!
This is definitely my kind of party!

Every competition has some rules.  There were three divisions: Variations on a Classic, Anything Goes and Chinese Style.

If you break the rules, you will be BOTH shunned and disqualified.  I LOVE it!!

Some of the entries were incredibly delectable.  I especially appreciated a Parmesan, Cheddar, and Buffalo style chicken on a baguette.

The Spinach, Feta, and Mozzarella was one of my favorites.  

Others were a little unconventional.

One Chicago based competitor cooked up a banana, honey and Brie grilled cheese.  Pretty yummy.

Unfortunately, the bananas did not work out as well with the Cheddar.

Chris was a huge fan of the grilled duck and Mozzarella sandwich.
Unfortunately, Mother Nature decided to open the skies in the middle of the fun. 

Save the Cheese!!!

It's all good!  We found an overhang.

Overall, it was a great day to feel cheesy!

Actually, it is easy being cheesy!