Sunday, April 7, 2013

Taking a Walk on the Wild Side…

On Friday Morning, Chris and I decided to take a morning trip to Nanwan Island.  Nanwan Island is the home to over 2000 macaques (a very old breed of monkey).

Nanwan Island (aka Monkey Island) can be reached by taking a gondola on an “overseas ropeway”.

The view of the fishing and houseboats from the gondola was breathtaking! 
When we stepped off the gondola, we had the privilege of meeting a slew of monkeys!

Welcome to my island.  DON'T FEED US!!

I was amazed at how easy it was to approach and photograph the monkeys. 

I love me some bananas!!! 
Don't steal my cookie!!  I worked hard to lift it from that nice man.


Welcome to the monkey spa...feel free to pick your treatment!

I love the facial expressions.
Can I hitch a ride? 
This is my favorite picture of Chris.
30 seconds after this picture was taken, the monkey swiped at me because I showed teeth when I smiled.
If you take one more step, I will throw it!
It's five o'clock somewhere...GAMBEI!
Feel free to leave whenever you are ready. 
Long story short, we had a fun time hanging with these cuties!