Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter in Shanghai

Today, Chris and I celebrated Easter in Shanghai. 

The majority of Chinese citizens are Atheists, Taoists, or Buddhists so Sunday felt like business as usual in the city.  I have to admit the absence of egg hunts, Easter bunnies, and folks dressed in their Easter finest was strange and sad.   

Luckily we were able to find an English mass at St. Ignatius Cathedral in downtown Shanghai.  My spirits instantly lifted once I heard familiar hymns and saw that the place was packed.

The exterior of St. Ignatius Cathedral

The cathedral's interior was a beautiful mix of Eastern and Western cultures.

After mass, we went to brunch and engaged in a little retail exploration.  Guess what I found…
I was so happy to locate a bit of girl heaven!  

Now if I could get past this thing called jet lag…

Tomorrow… House Hunters Shanghai!