Monday, February 2, 2015

Gound-doxie’s Day 2015

My favorite ground-doxies are here with their winter weather prediction!

Remember me? I’m Ditka the dog.
I’m Shanghai’s self-appointed ground-hog.

Murph...I don't want to get up and do this.
On February second of every year,
I share my weather prediction for all to hear.

Forecasting this year’s weather was a little bit hardah,
Since Mommy is sleepy, and Daddy’s in Jakarta.

So I gave Mommy kisses and said, “Get up real quick!
Feed me some breakfast and grab your selfie stick!”

I've had my breakfast!  It's time to go outside! :) 
We do not trust that selfie stick!
She grabbed her iPhone, and gave us some grub.
Then she gave us a quick belly rub.

We headed outside to the dreary cold.
To predict how the upcoming weather will unfold.

Let's do this Mommy! 
We wandered outside. We searched and we sniffed.
We walked to the grass to take a whiff.

We looked all around and much to our glee,
There were no shadows for us to see!

Where's my shadow??? 
So hang up your coat, and fold up your sweater.
This cold, gray outside is going to get better!

Our business is done here.  Let's go inside.
So wait a couple days, then go out and play!
We will report back to you next Ground-doxie’s Day!