Saturday, March 2, 2013

Pat and Rich in Shanghai Part 2

After our whirlwind trip to Beijing and pearl shopping extravaganza, we decided to spend the remainder of my parents’ trip enjoying what Shanghai had to offer.

After sleeping in on Friday, we headed to People’s Square to visit the Shanghai Museum.  Luckily the pigeon feed man was out, so we were able to capture a few good shots of kiddos feeding the birds. 
 Many people love feeding the pigeons in People's Square park.
After bird time, my parents enjoyed seeing thousands of years worth of Chinese artifacts. 

A Chinese dragon looms over visitors in the Shanghai Museum.

Mom enjoyed seeing the Jade gallery on the 4th floor of the museum.

After people’s square we headed to the grocery store to stock up on popcorn and salad for our Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner/ movie marathon.  I learned a valuable lesson: DON’T go to the grocery store the day before Chinese New Year’s Eve.  Imagine your grocery store the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, and multiply the number of shoppers by 20. 

I have never seen so many people swarming a grocery store!  

Many venues shut down on Saturday afternoon, but we were able to squeeze in a trip to Taiking Lu for a little shopping and lunch at More than Toilet. 

These were our comfy lunch thrones.

Mom eats a chocolatey desert out of a squattie.
Later that afternoon, we had a movie marathon, and ate some lucky noodles for Chinese New Year.  After dinner, my parents got to catch a cocktail and watch fireworks with many of our Shanghai friends at Char.  It was great to see my Western fam to meet my Eastern friends!

It was great to celebrate New Year with my parents.

Around midnight, amateur fireworks displays erupted all over the city.  The fireworks lasted for a good two weeks!!
New Year’s day, we headed to mass in Chinese New Year (and Catholic) tradition and then headed to Yu Gardens in search of a Dragon and Lion dance.  Unfortunately we did not catch a dance, but we did see Yu Gardens in all of its glory!

After eleven days of fun, Mom and Dad headed home on Monday afternoon.  It was so wonderful to see them, and I hope they come back soon!