Wednesday, June 6, 2012


If there is one word to describe my last week in South Carolina, it is chaos.  Aside from the ordinary stresses of preparing for an international move, we decided to makeover parts of our home so it will be rented…quickly. So let the makeover begin!

Currently, I have nice gentlemen painting our kitchen, half bathroom, hallway, guest bedroom, and master bathroom.  Downstairs, there are gentlemen preparing to tile our kitchen, and upstairs bathrooms. 
Our Kitchen Before

More Before Pics

Marion, the painter, prepares to make the master bathroom a paradise!
Chris reconstructs our stone patio.
Our tile man prepares the glue for downstairs.

Leia supervises her new friends.

Needless to say, I am extremely jealous of the family that rents this home.  It is looking better than I ever imagined!

Since we are 99% certain our apartment will be furnished, we are trying to determine which belongings we are are storing, which items we are selling, and which items will be shipped via airfreight.  So I am currently wandering in the construction free zones tagging our belongings with yellow post it notes labeled sell, air freight, or storage. 

Yep, I need to label everything for the movers. 

As soon as the rooms are finished, I will post pics online. 

All I have to say is,

“Calgon take me away!!”