Sunday, May 6, 2012

Cinco de Mayo Garage Sale Extravaganza

So the first Wilcox family garage sale is officially in the books.  We had two goals for this sale, get rid of stuff and make a little cash. 

This was our original Craig's List Posting.

The sale was supposed to start at 8 am.  Despite the fact that Chris threatened to feed early arrivers to attack Dachshunds, people started to arrive around 6:45.  It is a very good thing we decided to roll out of bed at 5:30 or else we could have had issues.

While we were thrilled to sell our stuff, the race to get everything out was a tad stressful.

After almost 11 years of marriage, I am ashamed to admit that I had no clue that my husband knows how to push merchandise!  His $1 tool bin idea was amazing! 

People were loving the $1 tool bin!

We got to visit with many interesting people.  Our next-door neighbors, Nathan and Nolin hung out in their new beach chairs for a while.

Nolin did a GREAT job of brining people in.  

Around noon, there was a lull in business so Chris decided to take a snooze.  Retail was so exhausting.

Sleeping on the job!

His nap did not last very long.  Two of the more amusing customers of the day, Chatty Cathy and Chatty Charlie, decided to visit our sale.

Chatty Cathy talks about how she is half blind.

I learned too much about Chatty Cathy during the 30 minutes we visited.  She would not stop talking, and the conversation was bizzare.  Some of her direct quotes were:

“My Chihuahua farts so loud it shakes the walls of our double wide.”
“I have put many things on Craig’s list, but every time I do they get stolen.”
“What is bad about my dog is he eats my hair.  Every time he walks around, he has dingle berries dangling.”

We could not cut her off, she was a paying customer. She bought a $.05 plastic cup she claimed she could enhance with fingernail polish.

She then engaged Chris in a conversation about firearms. 

Just when I thought things could not get any stranger, they did.  The “Only True Conservative” house candidate, Jordan Bryngleson, decided to make a campaign stop at the sale. 
Jordan Bryngleson on the Campaign Trail

While it was swell of him to stop by and share his views, it would have been nice if he would have purchased something.  It was a good thing that Bryngleson is an ultra conservative.  If he was liberal, Chatty Cathy may have pulled out one of her concealed weapons.  (Did I mention Chatty Cathy claimed to pack heat?)

At the end of the day, we dropped off 4 bags of leftover clothes to Goodwill and posted some unsold goodies on Crag’s list. Fortunately we made some cash that will be used to furnish our Shanghai home.

If you are interested in any of the following Craig’s list items, or some GREAT beach reading let me know. J